13 Early Stage Researchers
Institución: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
STORM-BOTS counts on academic and non-academic leaders from top research institutions with unique scientific and technical expertise.
Contacto correo-e: pm-storm-bots@csic.es
STORM-BOTS is an EU Marie Sklodowska Curie European Training Network (GA 956150) offering a cutting-edge training programme to 13 Early Stage Researchers in the field of liquid crystal elastomers for soft actuators and robotic systems.
Local and network training activities, covering aspects of chemistry, physics, materials science, advanced manufacturing and robotics, as well as transferable skills, will give the researchers the opportunity to participate in pioneering research, acquiring the necessary skills for a future career in this field.
The research programme of STORM-BOTS, implemented through its 13 Early Stage Researchers, has as a main scientific objective the development of an advanced and versatile technology platform, relying on liquid-crystal materials responsive to different stimuli, advanced manufacturing tools as well as theory and modelling, to progress towards robotic functions.
The implementation of this programme will enable the creation of soft responsive components and surfaces with unparalleled functions and performance, contributing to further develop robotics and haptics.
Funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN Programme, the STORM-BOTS network offers 13 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions. The most talented and motivated candidates will be selected for advanced multidisciplinary research training, preferably starting on May/September 2021. They will work under a 36-month employment contract with the competitive conditions and salary adapted to the life cost in each host country, set by the MSCA ITN programme.
The recruitment will be a transparent, open and equal process following the guidelines of the European Charter & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
To participate in the call, go to https://storm-bots.eu/esr-positions/
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Project website: https://storm-bots.eu
Euraxess offer: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/615336
Email: pm-storm-bots@csic.es
Students currently in thefinal year of a Master’s degree are encouraged to apply.
Biological sciences
Localizaciones en diferentes países europeos