Internship in international environmental law with the Aarhus Convention secretariat, United Nations
El Convenio sobre acceso a la información, participación del público en la toma de decisiones y acceso a la justicia en materia de medio ambiente, conocido normalmente como Convenio de Aarhus, es un tratado internacional que regula los derechos de participación ciudadana en relación con el medio ambiente. El tratado fue elaborado en el marco de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (UNECE). Esta se estableció en 1947 para promocionar la cooperación económica entre sus Estados Miembros. Es una de las cinco comisiones regionales bajo la dirección administrativa de las sedes de las Naciones Unidas. Tiene 56 Estados Miembros, e informa al Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC)
Internship in international environmental law with the Aarhus Convention secretariat, United Nations, Geneva // Deadline for application 12 April 2022 | |
As you may be aware, the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters is the only international legally binding global instrument that gives the public broad and concrete rights to participate in decision-making and to have access to information and justice regarding the environment. In doing so, the Convention links environmental and human rights and aims to protect the rights of both present and future generations to live in a healthy environment.
As António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, has said: «Over the past two decades, the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers have inspired and advanced environmental democracy across the globe, despite significant challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has added new stresses and tests to these efforts. However, in times of crisis, it is even more crucial that Governments uphold their commitment to environmental democracy. Only if we prioritize environmental concerns and environmental democracy, will our recovery from the pandemic be sustainable.» The Aarhus Convention currently has 47 Parties from Western Europe to Central Asia and is open globally. More information on the Aarhus Convention is available at
It is my pleasure to inform you that the secretariat to the Aarhus Convention offers internships to graduate or post-graduate students in law. We are currently seeking an intern for May to July 2022.
During their internship, interns have the opportunity to apply their legal skills in the UN context, working closely with officers in the secretariat and gaining hands-on experience in many aspects of servicing a high profile international environmental treaty. A notable component of the internship is the opportunity to support the work of the Aarhus Convention’s innovative Compliance Committee, an international committee that hears cases brought by members of the public and governments seeking to ensure the Convention’s rights are upheld.
Interested candidates should:
- be presently undertaking, or have recently completed, a graduate school programme, or be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree (bachelor’s level or equivalent), preferably including international and/or environmental law.
- be fluent in written and spoken English. Fluency in Russian and/or French is desirable.
The internship is advertised on (Job opening ID: 178547) and can be access through this link:
Please note the deadline for applications is 12 April 2022.
Candidates need to create their CV and submit their application through the web portal Inspira ( Only applications received through Inspira will be considered.
Instructions on preparing the application are also available online at
Students may have any questions regarding the internship or the application process, please do not hesitate to contact.
Kelly Stetter (Ms.) Associate Environmental Affairs Officer Aarhus Convention Secretariat, Environment Division United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Phone: +41 (0) 22 917 5993
Palais des Nations, Building H
8-14 avenue de la Paix
CH – 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland