Prácticas en el Comité Europeo de las Regiones

La Asamblea de la UE de los representantes regionales y locales. Estancias retribuidas de 5 meses de duración, desde el 16 de septiembre de 2021 al 15 de febrero de 2022. Titulación universitaria. Puedes acceder, de igual modo a las ofertas de empleo del organismo comunitario. Conocemos la RedHub…

The European Committee of the Regions offers the following opportunities for traineeships:

  • 5 months
  • Full time / 40 hours a week
  • Workplace in Brussels, Belgium
  • Paid by grant (approx. 1200 euros/month)
  • Preferred choice between 3 of the CoR’s departments
  • Travel and mobility allowance
  • Health insurance cover optional
  • Accident insurance included

Autumn Session: 16th of September to 15th´of February
Application period: 1st of October to 31st of March (midnight, Brussels time) of the same year
Pre-selection and interviews: May
Selection: June

University graduates that have completed a full degree by the closing date for applications

Standard traineeships​

Short term study visits

Traineeship for Government Officials