Arden las áreas tecnológicas
Se multiplican las ofertas a través de la Red Iris. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Institutos Nebrija, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, CIC energiGUNE, Spin-off of CSIC located in Valencia, CSIC (IQOG), BCAM – Centro Vasco de Matemáticas Aplicadas, ICN2: Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
The Geomatics Division of the CTTC is searching for candidates interested in a PhD Student Fellowship contract in its Geodesy and Navigation department. The contract will be funded by the Catalan Government (AGAUR – Generalitat de Catalunya) through the competitive FI call, see as a reference.
Project Description:
Followed by recent developments in autonomous driving, robotics, smart cities and augmented reality, 3D sensing has become a significant research trend in the computer vision community. The sensors used for 3D capture provide rich geometric structure. 3D data comes in a variety of forms: range maps, fused RGB-D sequences, meshes and point clouds, volumetric data. Deep learning algorithms recently have been dominated in most computer vision problems, however there is still a gap for 3D point cloud analysis tasks in comparison with 2D images. This gap stems from issues such as complex structure of point clouds and lack of training data. The project is aimed at developing solutions to the above problems, particularly with a focus on weakly-supervised/unsupervised learning algorithms for point cloud analysis. This project will focus on the tasks of segmentation and classification of unorganized 3D point clouds and it will build a robust framework in this area. The aim of this pr
oject is
to assess and extend upon the state-of-the-art in deep learning, computer vision and geometric algorithms for point cloud process applications. In this project we plan to employ the geometric concepts in deep learning algorithms to construct devices for processing point clouds in various densities. These algorithms will then subsequently be extended for real time classification and segmentation of 3D point cloud data.
The objective of this doctorate is to explore the contribution of geometric deep learning for point cloud analysis to improve current state-of-the-art research work and build real time devices capable of being applied in real world problems.
The proposed PhD project will address the following research questions:
1- How we can apply geometric concepts to build an unsupervised deep learning algorithm for point cloud analysis?
2- Can we extract the topological shape of each region of an object through a part segmentation of a point cloud?
3- How can we provide a compact and intuitive representation of a point cloud?
4- Are generative adversarial algorithms capable of performing robustly on 3D point clouds as on 2D images?
5- Can we fuse different sources of information in a training process based on topological and geometric features of point clouds?
The successful candidate has strong analytical skills, is proactive, self-driven with strong problem solving abilities and out-of-the-box thinking. We are looking for highly-motivated candidates with an interest in performing cutting edge research and a strong desire to learn. Prerequisites for this PhD positions are:
1- Master’s degree in Computer Science, Electronic Engineer, Applied Mathematics or any other related majors
2- Solid mathematical/analytical skills
3- Strong Python and C programming skills
4- Fluency in English is required (both written and spoken)
5- Familiar with recent computer vision algorithms for detection, segmentation and classification
6- Knowledge in deep learning and experience in deploying neural networks
7- Experience in working with Tensorflow or PyTorch is a plus
8- Familiar with Linux environment
9- Experience with GPU technology is preferred
10- Knowledge in 3D LiDAR point cloud processing and 3D object detection is a plus
11- Ability to work independently while collaborating in a team environment
The duration of the contract will be 3 years, starting between March and June 2020. The selected candidates will prepare jointly with CTTC their candidature to be submitted to the competitive FI-2020 call (deadline: October 2019).
Researchers interested in joining the Geomatics Division should send their curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of at least two referees to this online application
The deadline is the 10th September 2019.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
The Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), in Castelldefels – Barcelona, is a growing and well-funded research institution fostering excellence and diversity. CTTC offers a highly international environment at an attractive location. As a research centre, CTTC provides a fertile environment for research cooperation and innovation between different disciplines.
CTTC seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
CTTC is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Se ofrece contrato laboral a tiempo completo a un joven licenciado dentro del programa de empleo juvenil del Ministerio de Ciencia. La duracion del contrato sera del 1-10-2019 al 30-9-2021
El lugar de trabajo: Laboratorio de Altas Energias, UAM
Operación de UAM-LCG2, centro de proceso de datos para el dectector ATLAS (LHC) y desarrollo de aplicaciones para facilitar dicha operación (DevOps). El CPD UAM-LCG2 es uno de los 170 centros de la red mundial para el LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
Los sistemas que se administran en el CPD son: dCache para almacenamiento distribuido en disco, Linux, Grid middleware, monitorizacion (nagios, ganglia), virtualizacion, base de datos
Buena disposicion y capacidad de inciativa
Conocimiento de Linux, perl, java y shell script
Los interesados deberan enviar su CV a antes del 10 de septiembre de 2019. Los candidatos prodran ser convocados a una entrevista personal.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Institución:Institutos Nebrija
Seleccionamos a un Profesor para incorporarse en nuestros Institutos Nebrija en los Centros de Estudios Hispánicos.
– Impartir la asignatura de Ingeniería Térmica.
Se requiere:
– Experiencia docente.
– Se busca no doctor con experiencia en el sector de la ingeniería térmica.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
En caso de estar interesado/a puedes enviarnos tu cv actualizado a la dirección:
Institución:Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Grant reference: 2019PMF-PIPF-75 – Dept. Mechanical Engineering
The Laboratory for Fluid-Structure Interaction (LIFE) ( of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) ( in Tarragona (Spain), is looking for an enthusiastic research student with a strong interest in fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction. Successful candidates will join a small but very active multidisciplinary team, working in several fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. The research will be mainly experimental and focused FSI with application to several engineering problems. Some of the topics that will be considered during the research include but are not limited to energy harvesting systems using cross-flow turbines or other novel concepts.
The research will be carried out at the LIFE group facilities, including two wind tunnels, a towing tank and a large free surface water channel. There is also the possibility to use and develop CFD and FEM prediction tools.
Applicants will enroll in the Inter-University PhD Programme in Fluid Mechanics ( in which the URV participates together with other Spanish Universities: U. Jaén, U. Politécnica de Madrid, U. Zaragoza, U. Carlos III Madrid y UNED.
CANDIDATES: Successful applicants must hold a Master degree in Engineering (at least equivalent to a 5 years course in Engineering) at the time of the application, in the areas of Mechanical, Industrial, Aeronautical, Naval or Civil Engineering (please, note that other backgrounds will not be considered). Preference will be given to candidates able to demonstrate the following desired skills:
– Matlab / Octave / Python or another scientific programming language.
– LabVIEW or other instrumentation-oriented programming language.
– Mechanical engineering design tools such as Creo, Inventor, Solid Works, …
– Finite Element packages such as ANSYS, NASTRAN,…
– Experience with the use of optical measurement techniques, with emphasis in PIV.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested candidates should contact Prof. Francisco J Huera-Huarte ( or Prof. Albert Fabregat ( by email, attaching a recent CV (with photography) and the name and contact details of 2 academic referees (no letters necessary).
Please, include your full name and your Passport (NIE, NIF, DNI) number in the email. To avoid problems with the Spam filters, include in the SUBJECT OF THE EMAIL the following text (otherwise application might not be processed): URV 2019 PhD studentships
Please, note that just by sending me an email you have not entered the application process. The application process is managed by URV and requires a series of documents to be presented by the applicants through a website system.
– Photocopy of identity card, resident`s card or passport currently in force
– Curriculum Vitae
– Photocopy of the certificate of the official academic qualification or proof of payment of the fees for the issuance of the certificate that allows the holder to access the doctoral studies. Students who are registered on an official university master`s course that allows them to access the doctoral programme during the 2019/2020 academic year must present a photocopy of their master`s course registration form.
– Photocopy of academic transcript of the undergraduate degree.
– Photocopy of academic transcript of the master`s degree. Candidates who have not completed their master’s degrees must send their provisional academic transcript.
– Declaration of equivalence (The equivalence document of the average grade is mandatory if the Bacherlor degree and/or Master has been studied abroad (out of Spain))
– Motivation letter (Optional)
– Reference letter (Optional)
– Accreditation of linguistic knowledge of English (Optional)
The reference for the grant is 2019PMF-PIPF-75. Please note that applicants applying to other positions at the same time will not be considered.
Details of the position:
Other information related to the grant:
Información complementaria de la oferta:
The Application form must be presented electronically through the system, but it must also be presented in any of the legal ways established by URV: Registry of URV, Auxiliary URV registries, telematic URV registry, Spanish Government registries, Spanish Postal Service registry, Spanish Diplomatic representations or Consular offices.
Any application not fulfilling all these requirements will not be considered.
DEADLINE 02/09/2019
Institución:CIC energiGUNE
CIC energiGUNE is an energy research centre based in the Basque Country of Spain. Its mission is to play a leading role on the international stage in the field of energy storage technologies and contribute to the industrial competitiveness of Basque Country. CIC is a world-class research facility with cutting-edge equipments, CIC is composed of young, international and dynamic research teams
CIC energiGUNE is seeking an experienced Researcher to engage in the research and development of solid-state inorganic electrolyte for rechargeable batteries.
Job function:
• Design and synthesize inorganic electrolytes for electrochemical energy storage
• Complete characterization of materials using analytical instruments
• Guide the electrode preparation, coin cell fabrication, and electrochemical testing of the materials
• Write proposals when requested to secure funding from government and industrial sources
• Supervise PhD students and technicians
Qualification requirements:
• PhD in Solid State chemistry / Materials science / Chemistry / engineering or a related field is required
• Experience in synthesis of inorganic materials and more particularly of sulfide material
• A team player who can collaborate with colleagues in other groups, technical centers, and industries
• Good verbal and written communication skills in English. Spanish and Basque are optional but not compulsory
Experience in solid-state electrolytes (polymer or ceramic) or related energy storage technologies will be an advantage
What we offer:
We are offering a 36-month position within an industrial collaboration in the field of solid-state batteries. The selected candidate will be part of a team up to five researchers working for the same project goal.
The “Fundación” will also help smooth the transition for you and your family, providing a welcome programme that offers accommodation and addresses of other aspects to help you
integrate into the local environment.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
All applicants are invited to submit detailed curriculum vitae and 2 reference letters at
The selection process ends once the candidate is selected.
CIC energiGUNE is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.
Institución:Spin-off of CSIC located in Valencia
We are seeking an experienced Project Manager to manage existing and new National and European projects. The person should be experienced in the writting and justification of proposals for national (CDTI) and international (H2020, Eureka, etc) projects. We offer permanent full time employment with a very attractive remuneration package. Interested candidates please send an updated CV to
Información complementaria de la oferta:
It is a must to relocate in the area of Valencia, have full command in English, be willing to travel and driving license and car.
Institución:CSIC (IQOG)
The candidate should have a sound CV on (Environmental) Analytical Chemistry and be familiar with typical chromatographic-mass spectrometric techniques used for the determination of trace organic pollutants in complex matrices.
Statistical data treatment experience will be much appreciated.
Offert: guaranty from an internationally recognised research group for the application of a postdoctoral position in the team under the open program of Comunidad de Madrid (BOCM, Lunes 17 de Junio de 2019; Orden 1720/2019, de 30 de mayo).
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Contact: Dr. L. Ramos. Dpt. Instrum. Anal. & Envirton. Chem. IQOG-CSIC. Madrid
El Departamento de Educación, Política Lingüística y Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, La Universidad del País Vasco, Innobasque e Ikerbasque han promovido el BCAM – Centro Vasco de Matemáticas Aplicadas, un centro de investigación interdisciplinario de nivel mundial sobre Matemática Aplicada.
El centro comenzó a funcionar en septiembre de 2008 y se encuentra en Bilbao, País Vasco (España).
Complete the following questionnaire for – Research Technician in Machine Learning – Optimization for electric energy management (175 KB)
Topic: Optimization for electric energy management. Identifying the topology of the electric grid using heuristic optimization over the consumption and production profiles with applications to fraud detection
Deadline: August 20th 2019, 14:00 CET. (UTC 1) .
Applications will be evaluated in a continuous manner, with a response period no longer than 4 weeks after the call deadline .
Se busca candidato para hacer una Tesis Doctoral en Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a sistemas de comunicaciones móviles 5G/6G (Proyecto de I D ARISTIDES del Plan nacional 2018, ref. RTI2018-099722-B-I00).
Si tienes un buen expediente académico, curiosidad científica y quieres hacer la tesis en un centro de I D puntero, con un alto nivel de participación en proyectos Europeos (H2020), y con ambiente internacional, ponte en contacto con nosotros. Fecha tentativa de inicio: Q4/2019. Duración: 3 años.
Ver detalles de contacto y enfoque de la tesis en ‘Información Complementaria’
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Carles Antón Haro
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
web del centro:
Title: Statistical Learning for Large-Dimensional Antenna Systems in Beyond 5G and 6G Networks.
Machine learning (ML) techniques have been known for a long time as powerful tools for classification and regression (prediction) problems. More recently, deep learning (DL) has emerged with more advanced tools capable of building universal classifiers and/or approximate general functions. Both ML and DL have been successfully applied to a number of areas including image restoration and identification, natural language processing, or network security, to name a few.
At present time, it is generally agreed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general, and ML and DL in particular, are called to play a pivotal role in the design of the (increasingly complex) beyond 5G and 6G communication systems that will take place in the 2020-2030 period. To date, however, most of the applications of ML/DL techniques to communication problems have been confined to the area of wireless network optimization (resource or spectrum management, cell association, or selection of radio access technologies, to name a few). More recently, using ML/DL techniques for problems and functionalities related with the physical layer of communication systems (e.g., coding, modulation, detection, equalization, pre-coding, among others) has started attracting lots of attention from the research community.
This PhD thesis will revolve around the application of ML/DL tools to the design of large-dimensional antenna systems for beyond 5G and 6G networks. Specifically, the advent of communication systems operating in the millimetre wave band largely facilitates the implementation of transceivers with a large number of antennas (i.e., massive MIMO). Despite that in MIMO precoding optimal algorithms exist, learning-based methods can, on the one hand, significantly reduce computational complexity and, on the other, are better suited to learn a number of non-linear features of such systems which are not easy to model with traditional engineering (vs. data-driven) approaches. Along the same lines, many beam selection/alignment, or antenna selection problems can be reformulated as multi-class classification problems and, thus, be efficiently solved with learning-based methodologies. A related (and, to a large extent, unexplored) problem to be addressed is that of user clustering for lar
ge (dist
ributed) antenna systems. This problem, again, is amenable to be solved with data-driven approaches (e.g., kernel-based learning methods) along with selected tools from optimization theory. In addressing the aforementioned problems, particular attention will be paid to assess (i) the inherent complexity vs. performance trade-offs of the proposed techniques; (ii) their robustness w.r.t. imperfect channel state information or mismatches between the assumed and actual channel or system models (e.g., linear or not); and (iii) their scalability in the number of antenna elements or user terminals.
Institución:Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Se ofrece una beca predoctoral de 3 años de duración y una retribución bruta total para los 3 años de 63,943.72 € (21,314.57 € de media anual).
Se requieren estudios de master en el ámbito de la química,de ciencia de materiales o bien de ingeniería química.
El interesado se incorporará a un grupo consolidado de investigación en el ámbito de los termoestables con más de 10 años de experiencia conjunta y de reconocido prestigio.
El tema de la tesis es «Enhanced reciclability and shape memory performance of thermosets by using click synthetic methodologies» y versará sobre síntesis y caracterización de nuevos vitrímeros de propiedades avanzadas.
Interesados ponerse en contacto con o bien
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Todos los detalles de la oferta, trámites y plazos pueden consultarse en: (oferta con código 2019PMF-PIPF-25).
El plazo límite de presentación de candidaturas es el 2 de septiembre de 2019.
Institución:ICN2: Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
The ICN2 offers a competitive PhD Programme to talented students who wish to develop a research career at one of the top European institutions in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Selected students will have the opportunity to develop their PhD thesis in a topic at the cutting-edge of nanoresearch in a stimulating environment with access to outstanding research infrastructure.
Selected candidates will benefit from the ICN2 PhD Programme, which comprises a structured training path with scientific seminars, and technical and transferable skills training throughout the duration of their PhD, plus periodical monitoring and evaluation activities. The objective is to provide students all the support they need for the proper development of their research career.
The ICN2 actively promotes international and interdisciplinary research. As such our PhD students are strongly encouraged to undertake mobility actions, such as research visits abroad (including industrial placements), collaborations with national and international partners, and conference and workshop attendance. The overall goal is to maximise the student’s career prospects after completing their PhD, improving their chances of continuing their research at prominent institutions worldwide in academia and/or industry.
Research areas and groups:
Selected candidates are expected to carry out their research in one of the following scientific fields:
Growth and synthesis of nanomaterials
Characterisation and metrology
Theory and simulation
Energy and environment
Information and communication technologies
During the application process, candidates will be asked to select the ICN2 research group(s) they would like to join. Please visit the profiles of our groups at
Candidates must fulfil the following requirements:
Have obtained a Master or equivalent degree in a field of science related to ICN2 research activities or group they would like to join by the date of incorporation.
Have an excellent academic record and strong commitment to scientific research. Previous research experience is highly regarded.
High level of English.
Specific additional eligibility requirements may apply depending on the funding schemes available.
For any further clarification as to these requirements, applicants should contact prior to submitting an application.
Research career profile (based on the European Framework for Research Careers):
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Summary of conditions:
The candidates pre-selected for this programme will need to apply for competitive fellowships in order to secure the funding required to formalise their contract. The ICN2 will provide full support to these candidates for the preparation of their fellowship applications. Candidates who are successful in their applications will be admitted to the ICN2 PhD Programme, and will benefit from:
Full-time working contract as a PhD researcher. Contracts include medical care under the Spanish public healthcare system and workplace accident insurance.
Relocation support.
ICN2 social benefits: life insurance, flexible timetable, flexible compensation package.
Training and monitoring programme: Students admitted to the ICN2 PhD Programme will have full access to the scientific, technical and transferable skills training and relevant monitoring activities organised each year.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
How to apply:
All applications must be made via the ICN2 careers website
and include the following:
A cover letter.
A full CV including contact details.
2 reference letters.
Academic records (if the transcripts are not in English, Catalan or Spanish, applicants should also attach a translation in one of the mentioned languages). Important: Include the final marks on the application form using the equivalence marks link:
Applicants should indicate in the application form 3 ICN2 groups they would like to work in.
After submitting their application, the applicant will receive confirmation of receipt by email. For additional information in the application procedure, please contact
Equal opportunities:
The ICN2 is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and the inclusion of people with disabilities.