Estancias de verano en el Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas
Hasta el 31M. El ICFO – Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas ofrece un número limitado de becas de verano para realizar un proyecto de investigación en Castelldefels (Barcelona). El programa se dirige particularmente a estudiantes en los últimos años de carrera ( ingenierías, física, química, matemática y biología).
The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) is a center based in the Mediterranean Technology Park, in the Barcelona metropolitan area (Spain), devoted to research and education at the highest international level. ICFO hosts a Summer Research Fellowship Program which aims at providing a unique opportunity to undergraduate students and their ICFO group leader mentors to engage for approximately twelve weeks of full-time research in the photonics research topics active at ICFO.
The Program aims at an early exposure to frontier science and research, as well as at the early support of outstanding undergraduate students to experience first-hand the excitement and challenges posed by research projects within the variety of ICFO’s research fields. While conducting a challenging research project Fellows engage in a focused training program covering the basics and applications of the different research topics active at ICFO.
The ICFO Summer Fellows Program is supported by the Cellex Foundation Barcelona, the Fundacio Catalunya – La Pedrera, as well as the ’Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence’ Program of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain.
La convocatoria, así como el aplicativo para la solicitud online, se pueden encontrar en el portal ICFOjobs, en . La fecha límite de recepción de solicitudes es el 31 de Marzo de 2014.
En caso de dudas o preguntas, estamos a la disposición de los estudiantes a través de la dirección de correo electrónico