European Union funding opportunities

Find  and search for new or closed calls of the programmes described on this page. See the full list of the Commission funding programmes. Horizon 2020. Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. Justice programme. Promotion of agricultural products. Internal Security Fund – Police…

Funding Opportunities H2020 online manual

Find the European Union funding opportunities and search for new or closed calls of the programmes described on this page.

See the full list of the Commission funding programmes.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020 with a €80 billion budget. H2020 supports SMEs with a new instrument that runs throughout various funded research and innovation fields,enhances EU international research and Third Country participation, attaches high importance to integrate social sciences and humanities encourages to develop a gender dimension in project.



Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) will run from 2014 to 2020, with a planned budget of €2.3bn. It will facilitate SME access to finance, create supportive environment for business creation, help small businesses operate outside their home countries and improve their access to markets.


Consumer Programme

The Multiannual Consumer Programme 2014-2020 has a planned budget of 188 million EUR. It will support actions that ensure a high level of consumer protection, that empower consumers and that place the consumer at the heart of the internal market.


3rd Health Programme

The Third Health Programme will run from 2014 to 2020, with a planned budget of 449 million EUR. It will support actions that complement, support and add value to the policies of the Member States to improve the health of EU citizens and reduce health inequalities by promoting health, encouraging innovation in health, increasing the sustainability of health systems and protecting Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats.


Research Fund for Coal and Steel

The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) provides funding for high quality research projects which support the competitiveness of the European Coal and Steel industries. The programme covers core production processes; new products and applications, quality control, utilisation and conversion of resources, safety at work, environmental protection by reduction of emissions from coal use and steel production, and social issues.


Justice programme

The Justice Programme funds projects in the fields of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, insolvencies, family matters, criminal matters, etc. Its objective is to ensure access to justice for individuals and businesses throughout Europe, particularly when they live, work, do business or even face trial in another EU country. The total budget allocated to the programme for the 2014-2020 period is EUR 378 million.


Promotion of agricultural products

EU-funding is provided for information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries with the main objective of enhancing the competitiveness of the Union agricultural sector. Financial support is provided to organisations representative of various agricultural sectors on the national or EU level.


Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme

The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 defends the rights and freedoms that people are entitled to under EU law. It aims to promote non-discrimination; combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance; promote gender equality and gender mainstreaming; prevent violence against children, young people, women and other groups at risk; promote the rights of the child; ensure the protection of personal data in the EU; promote EU citizenship rights; and enforce consumer rights. The budget for the programme is EUR 439.5 million over the period 2014-2020.


Internal Security Fund – Police

The Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) is a component of the Internal Security Fund. It contributes to ensuring a high level of security in the EU and focuses on fight against crime; management of risk and crisis. For the period 2014-20, slightly over EUR 1 billion is available for ISFP funding actions, of which EUR 342 million through grants and other direct actions.


Internal Security Fund – Borders

The Internal Security Fund – Borders and Visa (ISFB) is a component of the Internal Security Fund. It promotes the implementation of the Internal Security Strategy, law enforcement cooperation and management of the Union’s external borders. For the period 2014-20, EUR 2.76 billion was originally made available for ISFB funding actions, of which EUR 264 million through grants and other direct actions. In response to the migration crisis, the overall ISFB allocation has been increased.


Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) contributes to the efficient management of migration flows and development and implementation of the common asylum and immigration policy. It focuses on the strengthening of the Common European Asylum System, legal migration and integration of non-EU nationals. For the period 2014-20, EUR 3.1 billion was originally made available for AMIF funding actions, of which EUR 385 million through grants and other direct actions. In response to the migration crisis, the overall AMIF
                                    allocation has been increased.


Union Civil Protection Mechanism

The Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) is intended to support and complement Member States’ action at national, regional and local level in risk prevention, in preparedness and in responding to natural or man-made disasters. When disasters strike a country, within the European Union or outside, the Mechanism allows for the necessary operational resources to be mobilised to assist and provide a prompt response. In this context each year DG ECHO publishes 2 calls for proposals to fund activities aimed at closer cooperation in prevention, preparedness and awareness-raising in civil protection and marine pollution: Prevention and preparedness in civil protection and marine pollution (2017 budget 8.6 million EUR) and Union Civil Protection Mechanism Exercises (2017 budget 4.9 million EUR).


Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions

Pilot projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) introduce new initiatives that might turn into standing EU funding programmes. A Pilot Project is an initiative of an experimental nature designed to test the feasibility of an action and its usefulness and lasts not more than two years. A Preparatory Action – normally the successor of a successful pilot project on the same matter – is designed to prepare new actions like EU policies, legislation, programmes etc. with funding for not more than three years. For more information on the Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions see the annual report on pilot projects and preparatory actions.


Hercule III Programme

The Hercule III Programme provides financial support to national and regional administrations in the Member States as well as research and educational institutes that undertake activities aimed at the protection of the financial interests of the European Union. For the years 2014-2020, an amount of EUR 104.9 million is available for grants and other support.


European Statistics

This page publishes calls for proposals in the field of European statistics managed by Eurostat. Most grants are awarded by Eurostat without a call for proposals directly to National statistical institutes and other national authorities responsible for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics. The up-to-date list of these entities is available on Eurostat’s website.

Eurostat awards grants using funds coming from the European Statistical Programme (ESP) and from other EU programmes. The ESP budget for grants is EUR 20.5 million for 2017 and EUR 26.9 million for 2018.