IMDEA Materiales
16 ofertas abiertas. El Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Materiales cuenta actualmente con aproximadamente 100 investigadores de 16 nacionalidades diferentes. Aproximadamente el 50% de los investigadores son extranjeros. Las actividades de investigación están organizadas en torno a cinco programas dedicados a:
Materiales Avanzados para Aplicaciones Multifuncionales
La Nueva Generación de Materiales Compuestos
Diseño, Procesado y Desarrollo de Aleaciones
Ingeniería Computacional de Materiales Integrada
Caracterización Multiescala de Materiales y ProcesosEl idioma de trabajo del instituto es el inglés. Altos conocimientos de lengua Inglesa son por lo tanto un requisito imprescindible para optar a un puesto en el Instituto IMDEA Materiales.
Research Associate – CNT-based solar cells
Apr 15, 2018
Staff Researchers APPLY SEE
PhD and Post-doctoral position available to work in the research project focused on CNT-based solar cells
PhD Candidate – Charge/stress transfer studies in nanoyarns
Apr 14, 2018
Predoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
Nanoyarn is a PhD three-year research project focused on exploiting low-dimensional properties of carbon nanotubes in macroscopic yarns for charge/stress transfer and storage. The strategy proposed towards achieving this goal consists in using CNT yarns produced with high molecular control, which will be highly doped via non-covalent methods that can intervene on their electronic properties, and subsequently subjected to electrochemical, mechanical and transport studies.
Nanomaterials synthesis technician
Apr 14, 2018
Other positions APPLY SEE
We seek a highly motivated technician to manage a chemical vapour deposition (CVD) reactor for the synthesis of fibres and fabrics made up of carbon nanotubes. Taks include laboratory management, sample production for collaborators and partners, materials characterisation and engineering development.
PhD candidate – MAT-RA04
Apr 10, 2018
Predoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
PhD position available to work in the research project focused on bio-hybrid light-emitting diodes.
Research Associate – MAT-PD01
Apr 10, 2018
Postdoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
Post-doctoral position available to work in the research project focused on bio-hybrid light-emitting diodes.
Research Laboratory Technician
Apr 08, 2018
Other positions APPLY SEE
IMDEA Materials is seeking a Research Laboratory Technician to assists researchers in the processing, characterization and testing of metallic alloys.
Research Associate on Multiscale Materials Modelling – Crystal Plasticity
Mar 21, 2018
Postdoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
Postdoctoral candidate to work in Multiscale Materials Modeling, with special emphasis in crystal plasticity modelling with the finite element method.
PhD candidate on Multiscale Materials Modelling – Crystal Plasticity
Mar 21, 2018
Predoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
PhD (thesis) candidate to work in Multiscale Materials Modeling, with special emphasis in crystal plasticity modelling with the finite element method.
Research Associate in Computational Materials Science
Mar 17, 2018
Postdoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
Research activities will be focused in the development of multiscale modeling strategies to simulate phase diagrams as well as precipitation and solid state transformations in metallic alloys.
Open position for joint PhD between IMDEA Materials Institute and University of Texas
Mar 08, 2018
Predoctoral researcher APPLY SEE
Joint PhD between IMDEA and University of Texas on the Development of novel ultra-high strength coatings for very high temperature applications using high-throughput synthesis and characterization techniques as well as theoretical modeling.
Si no encuentra la información que busca en el Portal de Transparencia, puede presentar su solicitud de información por email ( o mediante correo postal a la siguiente dirección:
Fundación Imdea Materiales
C/Eric Kandel 2
28906 Getafe
Vía boletín:
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:IMDEA Materiales
IMDEA Materials (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials) is a non-profit, independent research institute, promoted by the Regional Government de Madrid (Spain), to carry out research in Materials Science and Engineering. IMDEA Materials Institute is committed to excellence in research by attracting talent from all over the world and to foster technology transfer to the industrial sector in a truly international environment. More information about the activities of the Institute can be found at:
The candidate will be a key player in a scientific project focused on solar energy production, funded by an ERC Starting Grant (structural energy harvesting composite composites). In short, the focus will be nanocarbon-based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs), which have emerged as one of the most promising photovoltaics technologies with a global market value of USD 49.6 million, estimated to grow over 12% up to 2022. In this context, the strategy that the candidate will develop is the preparation and analysis of flexible DSSCs using carbon nanotube (CNTs) electrodes. The candidate will learn the fabrication and characterization of CNT electrodes as well as the device assembly using n- and p-type metal oxide electrodes. He/She will then characterize solar cells under in and out-door conditions combining different spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques like EIS, IMVS, IMPS, IPCE, etc.
Candidates should hold a PhD in Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics (or related discipline). Experience in molecular electronics, semiconductor devices, microelectronics or photophysics will be positively judged.
Excellent academic records and a strong commitment to develop an academic career in an international and multidisciplinary environment are expected.
Fluent oral and written English is required as this is the official language of the group. No knowledge of Spanish is totally fine (free lessons provided).
Interested candidates should submit their Curriculum Vitae (including complete contact information for two references) and a one-page statement of their motivation.
Full time contract including social security coverage.
Salary depending on previous experience and credentials.
The position will be open until the candidate is selected.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Interested candidates may apply here: