Instituto de Energía Solar
Silicio y Nuevos Conceptos de Células Solares”. Ofertas con gran motivación para el trabajo científico. The Instituto de Energía Solar (IES-UPM) is located in the Moncloa University Campus (Ciudad Universitaria), at the premises of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (E.T.S.I.T.), in the northwest area of Madrid.
Institución:Instituto de Energía Solar
In the framework of a European project GRECO 787289 belonging to the SWAFS call (Science With And For Society), the research group “Silicio y Nuevos Conceptos de Células Solares” is looking for a candidate willing to follow a PhD with a strong interdisciplinary character covering technology and social science.
The research community is promoting methodologies that aim to increase public awareness and engagement on science goals and results, such as Open Innovation, Open Science, Responsible Research and Innovation, Citizen Science… After an important theoretical work to define and reflect on them, the focus is now in putting them into practice and evaluate their performance. The work proposed will analyse the impact of Open Science tools used in the context of research in Photovoltaics (PV), following different activities that go from novel concepts in solar cell development to PV systems.
With an interdisciplinary approach where social and technological factors will be addressed, the aim is to gain understanding on how these tools impact the research results, which barriers and challenges face, and to what extent do they fulfil their goal of making science more open and more responsible.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
1. One-year fellowship is offered, with equivalent income to that of FPU, FPI or University grants
2. In the course of the year, funding for the rest of the PhD (estimated additional duration of 3 years) will be asked for in public and private calls.
3. Integration in the Solar Energy Institute, an internationally-recognized research centre on PV.
4. Attendance to international scientific conferences and opportunities for research stays in partner labs in Europe and abroad.
We request Good academic record above 7.8/10 for the degree and 8.2/10 for the master degree and a Great motivation for scientific work and team work
Interested candidates should send his/her resumé and transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate (if any) coursework to Ana Belén Cristóbal (
Location and contact:
Avenida Complutense, 30
Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid (SPAIN)
Phone: ( 34) 915 441 060
Fax: ( 34) 915 446 341
Google Maps
INSTITUTO DE ENERGÍA SOLAR → Photovoltaic Systems Research Group
ETSI Sistemas de Telecomunicación (Campus Sur UPM)
Edificio de I D Torres Quevedo (Bloque IX) – Despacho A9201 IES
C/Nikola Tesla, s/n; 28031 Madrid (España)
Phone: ( 34) 913 365 531
Google Maps