Its role is to make sure the voice of the European Union and its people are heard in the world

Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior. Misiones en los cinco continentes. Vacantes, estancias en prácticas, agentes contractuales, jóvenes profesionales,formación diplomática, voluntariado y cooperación internacional. The European Commission’s department for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations regularly recruits specialised staff to be deployed on the field. This field staff, comprising both technical assistants (humanitarian experts) and locally recruited national staff, makes up the department’s field network. The field network consists of 155 international humanitarian experts and 298 national staff members located in seven regional offices and field offices in over 40 countries.

Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior – Misiones CSDP

Vacancies and traineeships
Work as a Contract Agent

Contract Agent posts at HQ and Delegations
General conditions for Contract Agent posts at Headquarters and in Delegations
Working in a CSDP mission – General conditions

EU Delegation programmes

Junior Professional in Delegation (JPD)
European Diplomatic Programme


Blue book traineeship at the EEAS
Traineeship in EU Delegation

Misiones de ayuda humanitaria gestionadas por CE-DG ECHO

Voluntariado de ayuda de la UE