Laboratory Technician for Post Mortem Research Group

Ofertas con grado en Química. CIC energiGUNE is a well-known energy storage research Centre based in the Basque Country of Spain.  Its mission is to play a leading role on the international stage in the field of energy storage technologies and contribute to the industrial competitiveness of Basque Country.  CIC has a world-class research facility, cutting-edge equipment, an experienced management team, and a scientific committee composed of prominent scientists, entrepreneurs, and industrial experts.

Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico

 Institución:CIC energiGUNE
 Contacto correo-e:

We are now inviting applications for the position of Laboratory Technician for Post Mortem Research Group. The aim of this group is to generate extensive knowledge on failure roots and a better understanding of critical ageing mechanisms occurring in different electrochemical devices (batteries, supercapacitors…) in order to propose behavioral and predictive models for battery performance and lifetime under various practical operating conditions (charge, discharge, rest time).  Strong interactions with industrial partners and international technological centers are expected.

Job function:
• Slurry preparation
• Building cell
• Preparing samples for characterisation
• Running trials of electrochemical experiments

Qualification requirements:

• Candidates with degree in chemistry or related.
• Experience in general laboratory works
• A team player who can collaborate with scientist.
• Verbal and written communication skills in English

The candidate should be able to work independently and as part of a team, in collaboration with other groups, technical centres and industries. He/she should also have good verbal and written communication skills in English, as well as strong motivation for laboratory work.

What we offer:

We are offering a 12 months contract and professional development opportunities, with the possibility of becoming permanent after the contract period depending on assessment and availability.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
All applicants are invited to submit detailed curriculum vitae and 2 reference letters at

CIC Energigune is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

foto. El edificio de mayores dimensiones situado frente al vial principal del Parque, alberga la recepción, los laboratorios asociados al área de «Power Storage; Batteries & Supercaps», las plataformas de equipamiento (Plataforma microscopía eléctrica, Unidad de análisis de superficies, Plataforma difractometría rayos X y Plataforma de resonancia magnética), así como el taller mecánico y electrónico, el área de formación y seminarios, y las oficinas administrativas.