Oferta en Montpellier
[fr] L’Institut Européen des Membranes (IEM, CNRS UMR5635, UM, ENSCM), fondée en 1994 est un laboratoire de référence au niveau international dans le domaine des matériaux et procédés membranaires. Ses objectifs de recherche s’articulent autour d’une approche pluridisciplinaire et multi-échelle de : l’élaboration et la caractérisation de nouveaux matériaux membranaires; leur mise en oeuvre au sein de procédés membranaires ayant notamment pour application le traitement des effluents, la séparation de gaz, (…)
European Membrane Institute, Montpellier
Contacto correo-e:claire.antonelli@umontpellier.fr
PhD position: polymer chemistry and materials chemistry
Tittle : Conception of polymers actuator to elaborate reconfigurable membranes in situ.
Summary of research project :
The objective is to prepare membranes able to adapt their intrinsic characteristics in operando thanks to the integration of polymeric actuators. Polymeric actuators are materials that change, in a reversible way, their shape and volume in response to an environmental modification [1-3]. The external stimuli of theses responsive polymers materials may be the temperature, mechanical or electrical stress, magnetic field, light (UV) and chemical exposure [2,3] (pH, solvent, moisture). The change in volume and/or in shape can be observed at nanometric scale as well as macroscopic level. The purpose of this PhD is thus to integrate polymeric actuators to the structure of a filtration membrane allowing its partial or total reconfiguration on request. As an example, a polymer actuator will be localise inside the membrane pores to control their number, size and shape (see figure). It will be also possible to localize actuators at the membrane surface to modify its roughness and thus
enable changes in permeability (surface chemistry, contact chemistry) but also to facilitate unclogging operations. Finally, actuators will be integrated in the bulk membrane to study more significant structural configurations with the aim to elaborate stimulables nanomembranes.
[1] L. Ionov. Polymeric Actuators. Langmuir, vol. 31, p. 5015−5024, 2015.
[2] M. Ma, L. Guo, D. G. Anderson, R. Langer. Bio-Inspired Polymer Composite Actuator and Generator Driven by Water Gradients. Science, vol. 339, p. 186-189, 2013.
[3] Q. Zhao, J.W.C. Dunlop, X. Qiu, F. Huang, Z. Zhang, J. Heyda, J. Dzubiella, M. Antonietti, J. Yuan. An instant multi-responsive porous polymer actuator driven by solvent molecule sorption. Nature Communications, 5 :4293, 2014.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Laboratory : European Membrane Institute (UMR5635 ENSCM / University of Montpellier / CNRS) http://www.iemm.univ-montp2.fr/
Department : Interface, Physicalchemistry, Polymers (IP2)
Group : Advanced Macromolecular Materials (MMA)
PhD supervisors: Claire Antonelli (MCF UM) and Damien Quémener (MCF UM, HDR)
Candidates should hold a Master degree in chemistry, polymer chemistry or materials chemistry or an equivalent diploma from a Chemistry School. CV, cover letter and reference(s) have to be sent to claire.antonelli@umontpellier.fr and damien.quemener@umontpellier.fr before 22th may 2017. Starting of thesis as soon as possible from November 2017.