The Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships Programme
Incoming Frame – recruits 35 PhD Earlystage researchers of any
nationality to carry out their PhD projects in accredited centres with
the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Health
Institutes Carlos III and Portuguese research units accredited as
“excellent” or “exceptional” according to the evaluation of the Fundação
de Ciência e Tecnologia. In addition, researchers establish a personal
career development plan including trasnational, intersectoral and
interdisciplinary mobility opportunities, and attend a full range of
complementary training workshops.
INPhINIT Incoming is focused exclusively on STEM disciplines: life sciences and health, experimental sciences, physical and mathematics.
Download complete information about the programme here.
Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga
The Cellular and Molecular Endocrinology (IBIMA) and CB06/03/0018
CIBERObn (ISCIII) group acts as a host organisation within the programme
by offering an available Phd position. She/he will play an integral
role in supporting a multi-disciplinary team (which includes basic and
clinical researchers). The background of the candidate is preferably in
Biology, Food science, Biochemistry, Biomedicine or Medicine.
Title: Ketone bodies in the dietetic approach of obesity and its
complications. Intermittent fasting, ketosis and chronobiology.
Research project description:
The aim of the research project is
to study the effect of different concentration of ketone bodies induced
by food restriction and diet and chronobiology on gut microbiota,
mitochondria fitness and anthropometric, metabolic, cardiovascular and
neurocognitive variables. The research project will have 2 models: Model
1: Dietary intervention in humans with 4 types of diet with a different
increase of the ketone bodies: Hypocaloric diet or control without
ketone body increase? Fasting afternoon-night, slight ketone body
increase? Fasting night-morning, slight ketone body increase? Ketogenic
diet, high increase of ketone bodies. Model 2: animal model of ketosis.
Job position description:
is an exciting opportunity for the candidate as he/she will participate
and benefit from the activities of the host research group and
institution, such as:
i) Attending courses at IBIMA and CIBERObn,
relevant for her/his development of scientific skills and research (e.g.
bioinformatics, statistics, animal courses,…).
ii) Being involved in the preparation of funding applications for future projects.
iii) Contributing technician/degree student co-supervision.
iv) Enjoying mobility program of IBIMA which allows performing short stays inside or outside Spain.
The candidate will also participate in all the steps of a science project:
of the study, sampling, sample analysis and quantification, statistical
analysis, interpretation of the results, writing original and review
manuscripts and communicating these results to scientific and
non-scientific audience.
The candidate will thus acquire all the necessary skills and expertise to develop a science research career on natural sciences.
candidate will be co-advised by two senior scientists in a
multidisciplinary and multi-institution research team, from different
institutions such as IBIMA, Malaga University and the Andalusian Centre
for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND). The candidate will also
collaborate with international projects and institutions (e.g.
Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg; Maastricht University, The
Netherlands; Cambridge University, UK) and he/she will be encouraged to
conduct short-term stays abroad, in order to expand her/his scientific
horizon and to obtain the International mention for her/his PhD Thesis.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
If you are interested in applying or need more information, please contact Mora Murri:
Complementary information:
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Más .
Institución:Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV-CSIC (Valencia)
Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships Programme – Incoming Frame (LA CAIXA) –
recruits PhD Earlystage researchers of any nationality to carry out
their PhD projects in accredited centres with the Spanish Seal of
Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Health Institutes Carlos III
and Portuguese research units accredited as “excellent” or
“exceptional” according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e
The Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV-CSIC (Valencia)
act as a host organisation within the programme by offering an available
Phd position within the PROJECT entitled «Molecular Recognition in
solid catalysts».
Description of the Project:
The general objective of the present
project will consist in developing solid zeolite-type catalysts that can
improve the activity and selectivity for the synthesis of high
value-added products (i.e. drugs, perfumes, biotechnological products,
etc…) that are currently obtained at industrial level using rather less
efficient processes.
For achieving this, we will search for new
specific zeolites whose internal cavities fit the maximum in size and
shape with the transition states (TS) that lead to formation of these
fine chemicals. Thus, when the synthesis of the latter is carried out in
the presence of a specific zeolite a high stabilization of the
corresponding short-lived intermediate species (TS) is expected to take
place accordingly (molecular recognition), leading to an increase in
selectivity and yield towards such high value-added product.
In a
first approach, the identification of a TS for each particular case will
be carried out by means of theoretical calculations. Then, the design
of a structure-directing agent (SDA) that best fits structurally to this
short-lived species (TS) will be crucial to induce the crystallization
of a specific zeolite in a synthesis “a la carte”. For achieving this,
all templates or SDAs will be designed and synthesized in the form of
alkyl substituted ammonium cations through classical organic synthetic
methods. In a last stage of the Project, the synthesis of zeolites will
be carried out in the presence of these SDAs using high-throughput
synthesis. This will allow us to cover a broad range of chemical
Job position description:
The present Project is a
multidisciplinar proposal including organic, inorganic chemistry and
materials technology for the synthesis and characterization of zeolites
as catalysts.
First at all, the identification of the transition
state (TS) for each particular case will be carried out with the aid of
theoretical calculations. This part of the project will be carried out
in collaboration with experts in Computational Chemistry that belong to
the staff of the institute. The second step consists on identifying a
structure-directing agent (SDA) that best fits structurally to this
short-lived species (TS) in the form of alkyl substituted ammonium
cation. Then, the synthesis and structural elucidation of these target
molecules (SDAs) will be carried out by using classic synthetic organic
methods and spectroscopic and analytical techniques available at the
Institute of Chemical Technology (MS, 1H and 13 C-NMR, IR, Raman, UV-VIS
spectroscopies, …).
Once optimized the synthesis method of the SDAs, they will be used in the zeolite synthesis.
At this point, the application of high throughput techniques will allow us to study a very large compositional range.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
For applying see more information below:
b) Go to: «Como presentar una candidatura»
c) Go to : «Busqueda de posiciones ofertadas».
d) Choose the project: “MOLECULAR RECOGNITION IN SOLID CATALYSTS” (Dr.María José Díaz/María Josefa Sabater).
For more information, please contact with:
Dr. Maria Jose Sabater (e-mail:
Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV-CSIC
Universitat Ppolitecnica de València-CSIC
Av. Los Naranjos s/n, 46022, Valencia
Institución:CIC biomaGUNE – San Sebastian
Doctorate INPhINIT Incoming programme offers 35 PhD fellowships for
researchers willing to carry out their PhD project in research centres
accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence. This frame is addressed
exclusively to STEM disciplines: life sciences and health, experimental
sciences, physics, chemistry and mathematics. For doing their research
in Spanish institutions, candidates must have resided or carried out
their main activity in Spain for less than 12 months in the last 3
CIC biomaGUNE offers the following 10 PhD positions as host
organization within the INPhINIT “La Caixa” Incoming PhD Fellowship
– Glycan-directed immune therapy (Niels Reichardt – Glycotechnology Lab)
– Bioassays based on nanoparticles and clusters of atoms (Valery Pavlov – Biosensing Lab)
Assembly and characterization of chemo-enzymatic systems to synthesize
enantiopure alkyl/aryl-glyceryl monoethers using renewable raw materials
(Fernando López Gallego – Heterogeneous Biocatalysis Lab)
– Novel contrast agents based on carbon nanodots for magnetic resonance imaging (Maurizio Prato – Carbon Bionanotechnology Lab)
– Protein-based functional materials (Aitziber L. Cortajarena – Biomolecular Nanotechnology Lab)
– Chitin-derived materials for Cartilage Tissue Engineering (Ander Abarrategi – Regenerative Medicine Lab)
– Theory and simulations of designable modular bionic proteins (Ivan Coluzza – Computational Biophysics Lab)
Advanced analysis and dynamic monitoring of the interactions between
cardiovascular and respiratory systems (Jesús Ruiz Cabello – Molecular
& Functional Biomarkers Lab)
– Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using in vivo imaging (Jordi Llop – Radiochemistry & Nuclear Imaging Lab)
– Nanomaterials for the functional recovery in traumatic spinal cord injury (Pedro Ramos – Magnetic Resonance Imaging Lab)
Información complementaria de la oferta:
For more information about the description of the projects, please follow these links:
Application Deadline: 4 February 2020 at 2 p.m. (CET)
Institución:Institute for Biomedical Reseach of Lleida
doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT ”la Caixa” is devoted to
attracting talented Early-Stage Researchers—of any nationality—who wish
to pursue doctoral studies in Spanish or Portuguese territory. Sponsored
by ”la Caixa” Foundation, it is aimed at supporting the best scientific
talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and
Portugal by recruiting outstanding international students and offering
them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research
of excellence.
Doctorate INPhINIT Incoming: 35 PhD fellowships for researchers willing to carry out their PhD project in research centres accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Health Institute Carlos III and Portuguese units accredited as “excellent” according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. This frame is addressed exclusively to STEM disciplines: life sciences and health, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry and mathematics.
The Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida) was founded in 2004 as a joint body between the University of Lleida (UdL) and the public health system of the region (ICS-Lleida), which comprises more than 500,000 inhabitants.
IRB Lleida is accredited as a Health Institute Carlos III Research Center , and hosts about 300 researchers, including basic research and professionals involved in clinical assistance and/or in expert teaching in Medicine, Nursing, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Human Nutrition & Dietetics at the UdL.
IRBLleida is integrated by biomedical research groups covering all three aspects of biomedical search: the basic, the translational and the clinical epidemiological research. We count with two dedicated buildings (4000m2 each) located in the campus of the Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, other research units scattered around the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lleida, the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital and the Santa Maria Hospital, and a new state-of-art complex designed to maximize the research and training experience of interventional skills.
IRBLleida also interacts with other research centers of the Lleida area, such as the Lleida Agri-food Science and Technology Park, the Polytechnic Institute of Research and Innovation in Sustainability (Inspires), or the Agri-food Research Unit of the UdL in the development of innovative and multidisciplinary research projects.
The Immunology and Metabolism research Group (GRIM) at the IRB Lleida is looking for a highly talented early-stage researcher willing to develop their research career at the Institute. Pre-doctoral researchers will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of a innovative research project in a stimulating multidisciplinary scientific environment under the supervision and mentoring of Dr. Concepción Mora as group leader.
Medicine and Experimental Therapy /Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM); Basic Node: Immunology and Immunopathology (GRIIP)
-Research Project / Research Group Description:
Autoimmune diabetes (T1D) is caused by the destruction of insulin
producing beta cells in the pancreas. Pro-inflammatory cytokines
released in the autoimmune attack deeply alter beta cells leading them
to apoptotic death. Cyclin D3, a protein involved in CDK-dependent cell
cycle progression, has been reported by our group to be downregulated in
the pancreatic islets upon inflammation in T1D ((Saavedra-Avila, et al.
PNAS USA 2014)). Our group has also reported that cyclin D3 is required
for beta cell viability and to keep beta cells fit, both in a cell
cycle-independent fashion (Ibídem). In the current project, we aim to
validate potential new signaling pathways of cyclin D3, by checking
whether they are causally related to beta cell function and viability.
We plan to use interdisciplinary approaches including molecular and
cellular biology, computational biochemistry, immunological and
metabolic techniques. These studies will be performed in vitro
(insulinoma cell lines, pancreatic
islets); and, in vivo (T1D-prone
NOD (Non Obese Diabetic) mouse model). Our challenge in this call is to
find at least one key Cyclin D3 partner that regulates beta cell
fitness and/or viability, and, is susceptible to be targeted for T1D
therapeutic intervention. Patent filling is deemed for those molecules
fulfilling this profile.
Dr. Concepción Mora is principal investigator at the IRBLleida in the area of Immunology, and has long experience in mentoring PhD students, postdocs, rotation students and technicians. Dr. Mora is the coordinator of the Immunology syllabus in the Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences Degrees, and she lectures on Immunology in these degrees and in the Medicine degree at the University of Lleida (UdL), where she is appointed as Associate Professor of Immunology. Dr. Mora’s research group has competitive funding and free access to the IRBLleida/UdL consortium infrastructure, and state of the art scientific-technical, bibliographical and data processing facilities.
-Job position description:
The predoctoral candidate will be enrolled in the Health Sciences
Doctorate Program of the UdL and will be responsible for conducting most
of the experimental tasks related to accomplish the scientific goal of
this project,under our supervision. The main goal of this project is to
validate potential new signaling pathways of cyclin D3, by checking
whether they are causally related to beta cell function and/or
viability.The predoctoral candidate will be trained in developing
technical, analytic, inductive, scientific literature search,
organizational, discussion and communicative skills, together with the
training in scientific paper writing and oral scientific exposition.
He/she is intended defense his/her Doctoral Thesis presented by the
publication-wise format.
DEALINE: The call for applications opens on
the date the call rules are published and closes on 4 February 2020 at 2
p.m. (Central European Time – CET).
LINK:The call for applications
opens on the date the call rules are published and closes on 4 February
2020 at 2 p.m. (Central European Time – CET).
Información complementaria de la oferta:
candidates interested must hold a degree in Biology, PharmaCy ,
Biotechnology, Biochemistry or similar, with an average degree mark
above 8,3 (being 10 the top).