Trainee/Intern at The Coimbra Group Office in Brussels
Be of master’s level; Have excellent written and spoken English (C1 level). Other languages will be considered an asset, especially French; Have an interest in working in an international environment and being introduced to the daily functioning of a small Brussels-based, not-for-profit association. This includes dealing with a wide variety of tasks ranging from purely technical/administrative to policy-related tasks.
Trainee/Intern at The Coimbra Group Office
A period of 6 months, from Nov./Dec. 2020 through April/May 2021 (flexible).
Assist with communication activities including writing and uploading content for the Coimbra Group website, monthly newsletter and social media platforms;
Assist with the management of the Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme for young researchers from Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbourhood (answer queries, ensure the applications fulfil the eligibility criteria, classify applications);
Provide administrative support to the Coimbra Group Office staff in the preparation of documents for the General Assembly and in the organisation of events, meetings, workshops and other activities;
Attend and report on meetings related to higher education and research cooperation and policies.
Envía tu CV a

George-Louis le Rouge
Applicants should provide a CV and motivation letter in English explaining why they are interested in this internship and what their strengths are.
Applicants should not send their application directly to the Coimbra Group Office, but they will apply through their home university. The university will select the most suitable candidates, while the Coimbra Group Office will do the final selection, based on the applications received.
Deadline: Monday 26 October 2020
se fundó en 1985 y se constituyó formalmente en 1987. Es una asociación de universidades europeas históricas, de carácter multidisciplinar y de prestigio internacional. Sus miembros se comprometen a establecer enlaces académicos y culturales duraderos para promover, para el beneficio de sus miembros, la internacionalización, la colaboración académica,

CC BY-SA 3.0,
la excelencia en docencia e investigación, y el servicio a la sociedad. El Grupo pretende, además, influir en la política educativa europea y desarrollar buenas prácticas a través del intercambio de experiencias. El Grupo Coimbra dispone de una oficina estable en Bruselas. Organiza un congreso anual y varias escuelas de verano, edita un boletín informativo, y en la medida de sus posibilidades, financia programas de becas y participa en proyectos internacionales. Desarrolla su actividad principalmente a través de grupos de trabajo (Working Groups) agrupados bajo tres pilares de política fundamentales: Investigación, Educación y Extensión.
Del Historial: El grupo Coimbra apuesta en Granada por Empleo 2.0