Waste-to-Resources 2019

8. Simposio Internacional de Tratamiento Mecánico-Biológico/ Biomethanisazion y Clasificación de Residuos automática/ asistida por sensores 14-16 Mayo 2019. Job offer for an internationally experienced waste management expert. ICP headquarter Karlsruhe, Germany (full employment).

Call for Papers: Waste-to-Resources 2019 – 8th international conference and exhibition on mechanical biological waste treatment (MBT/AWT), waste sorting and recycling technology
No conference fee for presenters! Please note also the Job Vacancy at the bottom of this message.

Having participants from 41 countries in 2017, Waste-to-Resources confirmed its position as world’s largest conference on mechanical biological treatment and material recovery facilities. For the next event, we are looking for presentations about all technical, legal and political topics about treatment and recovery of municipal solid waste (MSW) by these technologies. The combination of conference and commercial exhibition will make Waste-to-Resources 2019 again a prime event for operators, authorities, consultants and technology providers. The conference will cover topics like:

• Targets, legal aspects, boundary values
• More sustainability by material recovery instead of energy recovery
• Ground breaking waste treatment and recovery technologies
• Waste treatment technologies compared
• MBT & MRF in different countries
• Recycling and reuse of materials and devices
• Functionality, economic efficiency & life cycle balance
• Experience with new and rebuilt plants
• New developments in machine and system engineering
• Anaerobic digestion of organic waste fractions
• Energy recovery by RDF power plants, gasification, liquefaction and more
• Conditioning, use and sale of MBT & MRF output fractions (e.g. RDF, metals)
• Latest sorting technologies
• Process control and analytics
• Emissions and their treatment
• Disposal of residues from waste treatment
• Fires in waste treatment plants: detection, extinguishing, prevention, insurance
• Health and safety in waste treatment and recycling plants
• Other interesting topics of your choice

Waste-to-Resources has simultaneous translation in English, French and German. Waste-to-Resources will be held in Hanover (Germany) from the 14th to 16th of May 2019. If you are interested to become an author at Waste-to-Resources, please submit the following information until the 12th of December to info@wasteconsult.de (do not click on “reply” button to this Call for Papers email)
– Title and qualified abstract (1-2 pages) of the paper (English or German only)
– Institution, Name, address, Phone, FAX and personal email-address
The selection of the papers and the symposium agenda will be finalised in January 2019. The leading authors / presenters (one person per paper) of the accepted papers for oral presentations will get free access to the conference, which also includes lunch, dinner and the conference proceedings. Transport and accommodation have to be self-organised and paid by the authors.
Papers for the conference proceedings have to be in English or German. The PowerPoint presentations on the conference must be in English, but due to the simultaneous translation, the oral presentation can be held in French or German as well. Hanover has an international airport and is easy to reach by train, car and airplane.
For advertisement and endorsement, please contact us! For more information about this and the previous events, please visit  www.waste-to-resources.eu 
Please send this information to other potentially interested people! You did not get this information directly from us? Please get registered in our conference mailing list by sending a formless email “enter list” to info@wasteconsult.de


Job offer for an internationally experienced waste management expert
ICP’s department for International Waste Management is looking for a waste management expert to be based in ICP headquarter Karlsruhe, Germany (full employment) with international experience in feasibility assessment, implementation, design and tender preparation of collection and transport systems, waste treatment systems (composting, sorting, MBT) and landfilling. English language is prerequisite as well as willingness to work as short- and mid-term expert onsite. More about ICP at: http://icp-ing.de/taetigkeitsfelder/?lang=en . Please send your job application and CV to Dr. Ludwig Streff, hiring manager: streff@icp-ing.de, also mentioning the date from which you are available to join our team.