Barcelona Centre for International Affairs

Oferta en el CIDOB hasta el 10J. Desde la objetividad e independencia: diálogo, reflexión e intercambio de información y de ideas en el ámbito internacional que puedan incidir de manera constructiva en todos los actores políticos, económicos y sociales. La primera entidad en instalarse en el Raval hace más de 25. La Universidad de Pensilvania situó a CIDOB como el think tank mejor valorado del Estado español en 2014. El War and Peace, con 13 ediciones celebradas, es ya una conferencia de referencia en Barcelona en temas de seguridad internacional. 32 personas, de 15 nacionalidades, trabajando en 8 áreas de investigación. 3 grandes proyectos europeos competitivos en ciencias sociales con más de 30 partners en todo el mundo. Más de 100 publicaciones anuales, desde revistas académicas de referencia hasta publicaciones en soporte digital.


 Institución:CIDOB – the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs

CIDOB, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, invites Expressions of Interest from postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (call 2018) for one of its research programs on geopolitics, sustainable development and European integration.

CIDOB is a leading international relations think tank in Europe with a vast network of cooperation partners in academia and politics. It has a proven track record of successful implementation of research projects funded by the European Commission and the European Parliament, such as Horizon 2020, FP7 and Marie Sk?odowska-Curie programs.
Within its Master Plan 2018-2021, CIDOB is reinforcing research areas that deal with economic aspects of international relations, sustainable development and domestic European politics and their impact on European integration.

CIDOB is looking to host a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie fellow applying to the currently open call. We are looking to support high-quality applications of postdoctoral researchers whose specializations can include:

– Global trade, currency regimes and emerging markets
– Sustainable development, energy transitions and climate policies
– Domestic European politics and their impact on European integration (e.g. populism, austerity measures)
– The political economy of the Eurozone

Who can apply?
Candidates should hold a doctoral degree in a social science discipline at the date of the call deadline and must comply with the mobility rule, according to Marie Sk?odowska-Curie eligibility conditions (p. 9).

Applicants are expected to perform high quality research and produce academic papers suitable for being published in leading academic journals. Candidates are also expected to have good problem solving, troubleshooting, and analytical skills, be fluent in English, have good interpersonal and written and oral communication skills, and be able to work independently as well as within an international team. In addition, they are also expected to participate in research activities, as seminars, workshops and publications by CIDOB and relevant partner institutions.

You can find more information about the program and eligibility requirements here:

Read the Full CIDOB’s call here:

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Interested candidates are asked to submit:
– A letter of interest with the motivation to join CIDOB;
– A copy of the most recent CV with names and contacts of at least two references;
– An outline of the proposed research (max 2 pages).

Please submit these to, indicating “MSCA” in the subject of the email, no later than 10th June 2018.