Trabajar en soluciones humanitarias...
UNOPS busca personas para ocupar diferentes puestos y llevar a cabo actividades, en los lugares más desafiantes y emocionantes del mundo. Consulta todas las vacantes aquí. En la imagen, Imelda Malingu Osodo hizo su sueño realidad. En la universidad, era una de las únicas ocho alumnas de ingeniería civil en una clase de 40 hombres. Imelda se graduó y en la actualidad trabaja como inspectora sobre el terreno en un proyecto de infraestructura que UNOPS implementa en el condado de Turkana (Kenya).
Asistente de Planificación y Control
Lugar de destino
Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala)
Fecha límite
15 de marzo de 2018
Business Intelligence and Reporting Development Technician
Lugar de destino
Valencia (España)
Fecha límite
16 de marzo de 2018
Auxiliar de Apoyo para Proyectos
Lugar de destino
Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala)
Fecha límite
19 de marzo de 2018
We offer a range of short and long-term positions for a range of roles in various locations around the world.
To apply for a vacancy, please create a UNOPS Jobs Account. This involves submitting details such as personal information, education, experience, languages, skills and other information.
Learn more about how to apply.
Please note the profile doesn’t need to be completed in one go but can be saved and updated on an ongoing basis and all vacancies close at midnight CET time.
UNOPS will at no stage of an assessment or recruitment process request candidates to make payments of any kind. If you receive any emails in relation to UNOPS recruitment and you are unsure about its validity or origin, please contact us at
Title Level Duty Station Closing Date
Software Quality Assurance Assistant
LICA-5 Bangkok, Thailand 27-Apr-2018
Partnership and Project Management Officer
Project Management | Partnerships
LICA Specialist-10 Beijing, China 15-Apr-2018
Administrative Assistant (Multiple Positions)
Administration | Human Resources
LICA-3 Bangkok, Thailand 13-Apr-2018
HR Assistant (maternity leave replacement)
Human Resources
LICA-5 Copenhagen, Denmark 04-Apr-2018
Investigator (Retainer)
Audit | Investigation
LICA Specialist-8 Home based 04-Apr-2018
Fund and Country Manager
Leadership | Programme Management
IICA-4 Jakarta, Indonesia 03-Apr-2018
Head of Implementation Support Unit (ISU)
IICA-3 Jakarta, Indonesia 03-Apr-2018
M&E Advisor
Project Management | Leadership | Programme Management
IICA-3 Jakarta, Indonesia 03-Apr-2018
Media and Communications Officer
IICA-2 Geneva, Switzerland 02-Apr-2018
Senior Communication and Liaison Associate
Administration | Communications | Partnerships
LICA-7 Brussels, Belgium 02-Apr-2018
Data Storytelling Consultant
IICA-1 The Hague, Netherlands 31-Mar-2018
Predictive Analytics Consultant
Programme Management
IICA-1 The Hague, Netherlands 31-Mar-2018
Data Science Consultant
Programme Management
IICA-1 The Hague, Netherlands 31-Mar-2018
User Experience Research Consultant
Programme Management
IICA-1 The Hague, Netherlands 31-Mar-2018
Interprète Japonais – Français
LICA-6 Multiple 31-Mar-2018